

Thứ năm, 23/02/2017, 17:52 GMT+7

Thanks to IMT Vietnam Institute, had introduced the study program in Japan on October, 2014. Thanks Japanese Government, specially millions thanks to    

Japanese People who contributed the funds ODA to support small and average companies in Vietnam. On behalf of The Nest Real Estate Compay, Nguyen Thi Xuan Thuong- Director become one of 24 students passed the exams that submitted to Japan Government and she become a member of AOTS Japan and went to Japan to study the VNCM (The Program on Corporate Management for Vietnam). I am very proud of and happy to study and improve the knowledge of Japanese people in their beautiful country. It’s very successful! I has been applying and innovating those knowledge to The Nest Real Estate company activities until now. One of most affected point remains deeply in my heart that to educate all my staffs: I will give them “a good heart” first of all, then I give them a knowledge, it’s called “ a head”, and finally I will give them skills, it’s called “a hand” to work harmony together. Thanks to this education point, The Nest became very special and difference compare with other competitors in the market. At the moment, The Nest received 80% customers from recommends of the previous customers. And we operated successful by words of mouth marketing. Thanks again to HIDA at OSAKA where provided an accommodation, meals and study lessons! Billions thanks to Japanese people! All of our members AVAS Vietnam are together doing right things and developing human-being values to contribute the Social and Community better and better in near future. Thanks with deeply loves!








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