If you want to find a place that is the center of Saigon, I think D1 is the best choice for you.
Located in Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ward Da Kao, District 1 (Opposite Thao Cam Vien Zoo) – Near Binh Thanh District, Tan Binh District and D3
Have a lot of restaurant, groceries 24/24,market and coffee shop around house.
Room 1 : Fully funished (Have private kitchen,toilet and window) 9.000.000 VND (1 month deposit)
Room 2 : Fully funished (Have private kitchen and toilet) 8.000.000 VND (1 month deposit)
Water : 100.000 VND/per person/per month
Electricity : 4000 VND/1 kg
We also have cleaning service such as clean your room 4 times for a month